Last week, I taught a creative blogging workshop and I wanted to share some of the best books I have read on creativity and how to get the best out of yourself. Quite often, we need a bit of a prompt to get us into a good, creative mindset or some background reading to give us a fresh perspective. Here’s a list of some of my favourite books for creativity inspiration.

Creative inspiration

– Julia Cameron is an excellent author for a more complete creative journey. Her books like The Artist’s Way and The Vein of Gold, encourage a deeper reflection of yourself and your soul.

– Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced Me High Cheeks Send Me High!) is a Hungarian-American professor of psychology who created the flow theory of creativity. This book is a little more academic but excellent for the scientific aspects of flow and creativity and how to harness the concept for ourselves.

– Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love,  wrote Big Magic, which is a book about demystifying creativity. She aims to help unleash your creative side, find the ideas you need and erase the fear of actually getting on with creating. A definite must-read.

– The Creative’s Planner – obviously! I designed this Planner to help creative women get the best out of their time, ideas and creative magic while reducing the overwhelm that comes with busy daily living. You can buy the Planner here.

– Creativity Takes Courage by the creators of Flow Magazine (sadly no longer available for English reads…sob 😭). This book is beautifully illustrated and filled with prompts and little paper treats. The author looks at ways to be brave and unleash your creativity.

– Phil Beadle’s Rules for Mavericks is a powerful and unafraid look at leading a dilettante, creative life without mediocrity or complacency. A real authentic boot up the ass, if you’re looking for one!

– Ikigai by Héctor Garcia and Francesc Miralles. Ikigai = the reason for being, your meaning for daily existence…but on a deeper level. This book is an amazing journey through Japanese culture and inspires thought-provoking ideas.


These are just some of my favourite books for inspiration and creative prompts. I’d love to hear yours!